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Whatshappening.sg news digest

  • 6 years

    Bukit Sembawang condo attracts foreign buyers

    SINGAPORE and Hong Kong purchasers have gathered up more than 20 out of 250 units at “well over S$3,000 per square foot” at 8 St Thomas in a private see throughout the end of the week, designer Bukit Sembawang Estates said in an announcement on Tuesday...

  • 6 years

    Things to consider when applying for mortgage loan

    It took a few rounds, however the most recent MAS measures (2018) at long last made a gouge in Singapore’s lodging market. These progressions likewise influenced home advances, bringing the accompanying confinements:
    Advance quantums for second and third time purchasers were lessened to as low as 40% and 35%....

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Registrant: TAN CHOON GUAN, KELVIN (SGNIC-PER20308667)
Updated: January 06, 2022
Expires: January 25, 2023
Created: January 25, 2020

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