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Tapestry.usf.edu news digest

  • 6 years

    Using ClipArt ETC for Flyers and Newsletters

    We all want to reduce paper usage and waste, but there are times when printing is necessary. You may be serving a community that does not have ready access to digital devices. You may be in a situation where posting announcements in public places is...

  • 6 years

    In Their Shoes: Identifying with Historic Characters

    One of my favorite activities from our Hispanic Heritage iBook series is in the San Marcos iBook (Download). After students have read about the difficult time Florida Governor Don Pable do Hita Salazar had supervising the construction of the Castillo...

  • 6 years

    8 Real World Examples to Help Students Visualize Proportions from FCIT Resources

    Understanding how to represent proportions, including fractions and percentages, is an important real-world math skill. FCIT has contemporary and historic photos, clip art, maps, and many other free resources that can provide examples of proportions...

  • 6 years

    Historic Florida Maps and Google Earth

    Old maps and new technology can be an exciting combination in the classroom.
    You may have noticed that many of the historic Florida maps on FCIT’s Maps ETC website include a link to a “Google Earth” file. If you click the “Google Earth” link, a KMZ file will download to your computer. This is a compressed file that includes information...

Domain history

Registrar: EDUCASE
Registrant: University of South Florida
Updated: June 28, 2024
Expires: January 01, 1970
Created: September 29, 1986

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