smithwithclass – Still learning, one char at a time

Smithwithclass. Still learning, one char at a time.

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  • 6 years

    A Song Maker Test

    This is a test of the chrome experiment for Song-Maker. I like my sick beats…

  • 6 years

    #ETFOAQIICT Leading Directly into #BIT18

    I just wanted to put out my appreciation about my last learning experience in my IICT Specialist AQ as the focus has been on PD, and with a whole set of presentations (5 at this point) ready for BIT18, it has reminded me of the focus necessary to make...

  • 6 years

    The Germans Love Physical Education

    I don’t know how YouTube algorithm for suggesting videos works, but one entirely German video has changed my Phys. Ed. planning for the entire year. And I. AM. SO. EXCITED!
    I try to find as many different ways of incorporating sports and skills, and try to get away from the big sports so that they aren’t dominated by those who practice them outside of school. The Schlag Den series of challenges have given me so many ideas...

  • 6 years

    Halfway Through my #ETFOAQIICT Specialist

    So I have hit the halfway point, and here are my thoughts, such as they are:
    I really enjoy thinking about the pedagogy. It’s fun for me. I don’t think it is fun for everyone, but it has made me much more confident in what I do each day.
    There is a preponderance of tools out there, and we really can only find the one that works for us, and not try to tell everyone that this is the tool for them....

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Updated: September 21, 2021
Expires: September 20, 2023
Created: September 20, 2011

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