Cymplecy (Simplesi) – Snap!/Microblocks/Scratch/Node-RED Championer an...

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  • 6 years

    Accessing MQTT Broker using websockets from Node-RED

    If your broker accepts websocket connections then you can connect to it using that protocol instead of normal port 1883 connection
    To do so, add an MQTT node and then configure it for a new broker.
    The Server field text needed is a bit un-intuitive and the Port entry field is not used as we explicitly use the websocket port number in the server field...

  • 6 years

    Installing Mosquitto MQTT broker on Raspberry Pi

    Simply run
    This will install and run mosquitto.
    But if you want it to run automatically at startup then run

  • 6 years

    Gleelights: An extension of the great Cheerlights project

    As anyone who knows me will testify – I’m a great fan/user of the Cheerlights project and my house is full or neopixels that are controlled by the Cheerlights API feeds.
    But lots of people would like something that accepts more colours and responds to sequence requests such as “rainbow”...

  • 6 years

    Using Amazon Dash button as user-friendly Cheerlights changer

    Amazon Dash button re-deployed as garden #cheerlights colour changer
    — Simon Walters (@cymplecy) July 19, 2018
    I’d heard about hacking Amazon Dash buttons to control stuff via a Pi but never bothered with them.

Domain history

Web host: SOV Colocated Customers
Registrar: Tucows Domains Inc.
Registrant: Redacted for privacy
Updated: November 10, 2022
Expires: November 30, 2023
Created: November 30, 2009

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