PyGaze | Open source eye-tracking software and more.

Py Gaze. A clash between two major figures in cognitive neuroscience came to a head yesterday, and it got a bit ugly. The dispute centers...

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  • 6 years

    OpenSesame and PyGaze workshop in Potsdam

    Titus von der Malsburg and colleagues have organised an OpenSesame and PyGaze workshop at the University of Potsdam. This page contains instructions and downloads, and is updated throughout the workshop based on what we need and produce on each day.
    The workshop spans two days. On the first day, we will explore OpenSesame and PyGaze, and learn how to create experiments in a graphical user environment, and by using Python code. There will be an eye tracker (GazePoint GP3) present to demonstrate the...

  • 6 years

    Testing children with iPad games

    Testing children is less easy than testing adults, primarily because they lack the social inhibition to tell psychological researchers to go away with their super boring tests. This presents a problem in developmental research: How do you reach these...

  • 6 years

    Computer vision: Taylor Swift saliency mapping

    In cognitive neuroscience, we’re interested in what guides human attention. We distinguish between influences from high-level cognition (e.g. current goals), and low-level visual features. There are highly sophisticated models of how visual features...

  • 6 years

    Dalmaijer DPhil DONE!

    Traditional English DPhil programmes end in a viva. This is an examination by one internal and one external examiner, who critically assess the candidate and their thesis over the course of several hours. Mine was today, and I am delighted to announce...

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