Parenting expert Canada, Kathy Lynn | Parenting Today | Parenting Spea...

Parenting Today. Parenting Expert Canada: Parenting speaker Kathy Lynn offers parenting tips, workshops, parenting seminars & parenting keynote...

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  • 8 years

    Baby Talk Leads to Baby Talkers

    From the first word out of our children’s mouths to the long descriptive stories they love to tell as they get older, language is an important piece of child development.So today we’re going to take a quick look at kids and language.
    Baby Talk

  • 8 years

    Manners Matter

    Modelling Manners for Your Children
    A while back I saw an article lisitng rules for entertaining like a grownup. The exact rules were not the point; the real point was that once we’re adult and beyond the poor student stage, we should put a little effort into entertaining....

  • 8 years

    Children need discipline. They do not need to be hit!

    I am in Ottawa speaking to the ‘powers that be’ about our need to stop the legal assault of our children. As of this date, 49 countries have banned the physical punishment of children. Isn’t it about time that we followed suit? We know it’s the right...

  • 8 years

    What if your child just won’t budge?

    Some kids go through a stage of being stubborn and others are born that way. Whichever is your reality, having a stubborn kid can wear down the most patient of parents. So what can you do?
    What if your child just won’t budge?

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Web host: Linode
Updated: September 21, 2021
Expires: October 16, 2022
Created: October 17, 2001

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