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Best pages on Mobileappchallenge.ucmerced.edu
App Showcase | UC Merced Mobile App Challenge
The app will be for gamers who want to find other people to game with and have fun. They will be able to sign in using facebook, gmail, or steam, or they can make an account. They will be able to pick...
Dryve | UC Merced Mobile App Challenge
Need a ride somewhere? Our app targets college students looking for a ride from point A to point B. Finding a way to commute back home on weekends and holidays is a task that college students will exp...
(For prior years team descriptions, visit our Teams Archive) Support The UC Merced Mobile App Challenge The UC Merced Mobile App Challenge is a contest for undergraduate students to promote innovati...
Domain history
Web host: | Amazon Technologies Inc. |
Registrar: | EDUCASE |
Registrant: | University of California, Merced |
Updated: | July 10, 2024 |
Expires: | January 01, 1970 |
Created: | September 19, 1995 |
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ExcellentChild safety