Margaret "Maggie" Tyson
Margaret Tyson. Warning: Declaration of Menu_With_Description::start_el(&$output, $item, $depth, $args) should be compatible with...
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Favorite Things « Margaret "Maggie" Tyson
Mom had an amazing elephant collection. It started when she was a child; her father gave her a small wooden elephant. Dee and I remember seeing that elephant our entire lives and he now has a new home...
Elephants « Margaret "Maggie" Tyson
April 22, 2015 No Comments Mom had an amazing elephant collection. It started when she was a child; her father gave her a small wooden ele...
Deanna Shares on Loss, Letting Go and What Mom Meant to Her « Margaret "Maggie" Tyson
November 6, 2015 4 Comments Deanna Shares on Loss, Letting Go and What Mom Meant to Her Sometimes there are events in life that just are t... news digest
9 years
Memories of Mom and Leona Starkey
Who knew when the Starkey family moved in that the new family next door would be such an important part of our life. The adventures and fun Mom and Leona had were epic and we all went along for the ride! They were best friends.
Donna, Bob and Gloria Jean Starkey.... -
9 years
Deanna Shares on Loss, Letting Go and What Mom Meant to Her
Deanna Shares on Loss, Letting Go and What Mom Meant to Her
Sometimes there are events in life that just are too big to put into words… Too much to capture with letters and marks and spaces! Sometimes it takes some time… Some distance to be able to get thoughts out in a way that can make sense.... -
9 years
This song by Christina Aguilera really hits home for me. I miss you Mom and wish so desperately that I had even one more day with you…
Lyrics: -
9 years
The First Mother’s Day Without You
I walked into Target the other day, stood and stared at the dazzling rack of Mother’s Day cards. It nearly knocked me to the ground as I took it in that I would never, ever, again be combing the display for the perfect card for Mom.
I loved buying her cards. She treasured them…she saved them. In fact, as Dee, Ken and I went through Mom’s home after she passed, I sorted the letters, cards and notes into piles for people and gave them theirs....
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