LOGRAS – Latino Organization of GRAduate Students
LOGRAS Gatech. Latino Organization of Graduate Students.
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SLOAN seminar tomorrow! + Meet the GameStop CEO » LOGRAS
SLOAN Meeting ========== Tues., March 4th at 11 a.m. in Love 183: “The Ph.D. Search: Choosing the Right School and Advisor.” This would be a seminar to assist potential and recent doctoral students...
FOCUS Volunteers + High School Mentor + P&G Internships » LOGRAS
FOCUS Volunteers FOCUS 2014 will take place on Jan. 16-19. This event brings over 100 minority undergraduate students to learn about GT graduate programs. We are looking for volunteers throughout ...
LOGRAS – Latino Organization of GRAduate Students
Latino Organization of GRAduate Students
Logras.gatech.edu news digest
9 years
What?: Sweetwater Brewery Social! We will be carpooling, so if you would like a ride or can give a ride fill out the form below.
When?: Friday (this week) 3/27/15
What time? Meet at 5:30pm at GT or 6:30pm @ Sweetwater -
9 years
02/17/2015 GT Sloan UCEM Seminar
You are invited to attend the Feb. 17, 2015 seminar, “Getting the Dissertation Done!” Dr. Peter Fontaine, Associate Director of the Communication Center, leads a Dissertation Writing Bootcamp (DBC) that gives concerted assistance to doctoral students...
9 years
02,28,2015 Volunteers for Future Tech
We are looking for volunteers to help us with the upcoming Future Tech event on February 28th from 9:30am to 1pm. During this event, LOGRAS will do a STEM demonstration for 6th-8th grade students.
Demonstrators get t-shirts, food and have fun.
Please sign up by this Friday (link) if you like to participate in this exciting and fun event!!... -
9 years
Antonio Lazcano: Public talks in English and Spanish
Please join the Center for Chemical Evolution for a free Spanish-language talk on the origin of life through chemistry. Professor Antonio Lazcano is a member of Colegio Nacional, the most prestigious Mexican cultural institution. He is also the head...
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Web host: | Amazon Technologies Inc. |
Registrar: | EDUCASE |
Registrant: | Georgia Institute of Technology |
Updated: | May 14, 2024 |
Expires: | January 01, 1970 |
Created: | May 08, 1986 |
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