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Monash has achieved an enviable national and international reputation for research and teaching excellence in a short 50 years.
Law.monash.edu news digest
6 years
Why the business model of social media giants like Facebook is incompatible with...
Facebook’s actions – or inactions – facilitated breaches of privacy and human rights associated with democratic governance.
6 years
Children with disability face discrimination in Victorian schools
Victorian children with disability continue to experience discrimination, exclusion and disadvantage in mainstream government schools, according to a report by the
6 years
Victorian drug law reform recommendations are welcome – but must include prisone...
The Victorian report recommends the law be changed to allow peers to distribute needles and other clean injecting equipment.
6 years
Why the business model of social media giants like Facebook is incompatible with...
Facebook’s actions – or inactions – facilitated breaches of privacy and human rights associated with democratic governance. EPA/Peter DaSilva. Facebook has had a bad few weeks. The social media giant had to apologise for failing to protect the
Domain history
Web host: | Monash University |
Registrar: | EDUCASE |
Registrant: | Monash University |
Updated: | September 30, 2024 |
Expires: | January 01, 1970 |
Created: | February 05, 2000 |
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GoodChild safety