– LadySpecial

Lady Special. May 28, 2015 by shovana...

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  • 9 years

    Ladies Fact #13

    In the year 2004, in Nagpur, 200 women, along with the rape victim, marched to the courtroom and murdered the rapist. Every woman claimed responsibility of their act.

  • 9 years

    Ladies Fact #12

    Being annoyed by her grandmother’s moaning a 10 year old, Zoe Pemberton, tried to sell her 61 year old grandmother on eBay. She admitted that it was a joke. Soon the auction was closed.

  • 9 years

    Ladies Fact #11

    Though it is extremely rare a cerebellum-less brain is not impossible.
    The abilities controlled by the cerebellum is disrupted resulting in feeling unbalanced while walking or stepping down the stairs and other issues as well. Special care need to be taken in such cases....

  • 9 years

    Bathing your Newborn:

    The word baby signifies love and truth. We tend to be careful in handling the truth and love so dear to us. Babies are that gift of God which we want to handle with all the love we have.
    When it comes to bathing their babies the parents are generally too conscious and alert because it is way scarier that just cuddling when dry. Soapy water or even oil makes the baby quite slippery and since the baby is almost never still it becomes uncomfortable...

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Updated: February 09, 2020
Expires: January 14, 2020
Created: January 14, 2014

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