Davis: New & Used Buick GMC | Lethbridge, AB

Inventory Davis Gm. Davis Buick GMC has New and Used Buick GMC Cars and SUVs for sale. Call 1-888-425-6408 for Buick GMC Specials and Promotions..

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Inventory.davisgm.ca news digest

  • 7 years

    Favourite Features of the 2018 GMC Terrain Crossover!

    My favourite features of the all-new 2018 GMC Terrain!
    The new 3D Denali grille, C-shaped headlamps, and the overall eye-catching design of the new 2018 GMC Terrain are just a few of the things that make it the must-have crossover of 2018.
    Honestly, there are so many things that make this vehicle awesome. Lets start with the engine; there are three to choose from, with the most popular being the 2.0L turbo. It has tonnes of kick without emptying your wallet.  Also available, a 1.5L turbo...

  • 7 years

    DYI Winter Safety Kit

    DYI- Winter Safety Kit
    DYI Winter Safety Kit
    by: Adam Christopoulous

  • 7 years

    Top 5 Movies to Pack in your Car

    Top Movies to Pack in your Car | by  Cole Balog
    When it comes to movies everyone has their personal opinions and will debate to the death about the good ones and the bad ones. I believe when it comes to these debates pretty much everyone is out to lunch and they have no idea what they are talking...

  • 7 years

    Install My GMC or My Buick App.

    Have you installed your MY GMC or MY BUICK app yet?
    These new apps combine the usefulness of the Remotelink app, with the support of the “My GMC” or “My Buick” apps, putting valuable information at your fingertips in real time!
    With anytime access to digital owners manuals, dealership contact and booking info, WIFI services, and much much more!...

Domain history

Web host: Rackspace Hosting
Registrant: Davis Auto Group Ltd.
Updated: January 16, 2023
Expires: March 25, 2028
Created: March 25, 2009

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