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Hex Chat Github. HexChat, an open-source, cross-platform IRC client.

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Hexchat.github.io news digest

  • 6 years

    2.14.2 released

    This is a new minor release. The main reason for this release is that there was acrash found in a library we use, Pango, that could be triggered by posting textin a channel so a new release was made for Windows.
    If you use Flatpak or the Windows installer simply update and you will have the fix.The Microsoft Store version is in review and will be released soon. If you use anyversion on Linux and experience the crash please report this to your vendorwith these...

  • 6 years

    2.14.0 released

    HexChat 2.14.0 has finally been released. The reason for the long delay sincethe last release was that there was no longer a dedicated Windows maintainerso the builds stagnated and needed a lot of love to get everything relativelyup to date. Overall...

  • 8 years

    HexChat and antivirus

    A common issue when we make a new release is anti-virus software on Windows flips out and starts flagging it.In this post I’ll try to discuss some of our release process, how to verify you are safe, and that there isnothing we can actually do about that...

  • 8 years

    2.12.2 released

    Yet another bug fix release in the 2.12 series has been uploaded. This one is fairly uneventful so Iwill keep it short.
    The fish plugin did get some love this cycle fixing a few bugs and implementing key exchange (/keyx) whichallows two clients to negotiate a more secure password. It also finally handles basic things like /me workingso enjoy....

Domain history

Web host: GitHub, INC.
Registrant: REDACTED FOR PRIVACY (GitHub, Inc.)
Updated: February 04, 2025
Expires: March 08, 2027
Created: March 08, 2013

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