gusset. | kylie gusset: ceramics

Gusset. ceramics + curation.

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  • 10 years

    2015. The Year Of Wool.

    Why a year of wool?
    It’s January 1. So time to set our intentions.
    A Year Of No Sugar was what pushed us over the edge. If you could do a year without sugar, what about a year with wool – of just going through the daily grind of working with it, researching it, and learning as much as possible in 365 days?...

  • 12 years

    Banger Bucks – A case study of how Banger Films can fund their extreme metal sho...

    full disclosure – we have a soft spot for banger films – as their first movie “metal: a headbangers journey” is one of our favourite documentaries (and there is no huge collection of  metal lovin’ black & silver tshirts at chez gusset either…). When...

  • 12 years

    design as a career – show notes.

    we’ll be putting up our presentation here, feel free to ask any questions in the comments, and we’ll do our best!
    talk re: pozible – tentatively pencilled in for wed 5 september at hub melbourne. email your interest to TONOFWOOL at that thinger. go to their bbq on friday – i’ll be cookin’!...

  • 12 years

    craft & design as a career.

    we’ll be giving a talk at craft & design as a career august 16 @ NGV international melbourne  – here’s the interview on craft: “meet kylie gusset“. more information and booking details.

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