Geulah Perspectives

Geulah Perspectives Blogspot. Thoughts, inspirations, chizzuk and Torah for our times.

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  • 5 years

    Vayishlach - Intrinsic Greatness

    What is the concept of Yaakov being ‘left alone’ to battle the angel? What is the idea of Hashem being ‘alone’ when Moshiach comes? How does this parallel Yaakov being alone? How do we understand the idea of evil existing in the world if Hashem is Good...

  • 5 years

    Toldos - Simplicity and Trickery

    Why did Yakov need to obtain the blessings of Esav through trickery? How do we understand this in light of Yakov's unique attribute being Emes-Truth? What is the idea of Yakov's appearance being the same as Adam's? Why is the snake described as being...

  • 5 years

    Chayei Sarah - All the Blessings

    What is the depth of the idea that Hashem blessed Avraham 'bakol' - 'in all?' Why is this the preface to Avraham sending Eliezer to find a wife for his song Yitzchak? What is the concept of 'all,' and how does it relate to the idea of blessing? What...

  • 5 years

    Vayera - Hashem's Revelation

    What is the idea of Hashem revealing Himself to Avraham after he performs the bris (circumcision)? Why does Hashem not seem to say anything? What are the problems with the Rambam's understanding that the entire interaction of Avraham with the angels...

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Web host: Google LLC
Registrar: MarkMonitor Inc.
Registrant: Google LLC
Updated: June 29, 2023
Expires: July 31, 2024
Created: July 31, 2000

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