Eugenie Rowson | Homeopath (UK) in South Africa

Genie Rowson. Eugenie Rowson is a Homeopath (UK) in South Africa. A Natural Health Practitioner Johannesburg, author and champion of alternative...

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  • 6 years

    Eczema healed!

    “A’s school marks have improved by 3% and he’s doing well; his eczema is also improving. A is doing so well, he is all clear. Thank you so much”
    Before                                        After
    13 yr old boy with severe eczema on legs, arms and groin – healed after only 2 months, with the help of 2 consultations with Eugenie Rowson and her Vibrational Medicine remedies!...

  • 6 years

    Severe case of eczema, healed naturally in only 2 months!

    A desperate mother brought her 13 year old son to me recently. He presented with the most shocking and severe case of eczema that I have ever seen and I struggled to hide my horrified reaction. The skin areas at the front of his neck, groin, as well...

  • 6 years

    Life In the fast lane ? You need Nux Vom !

    Nux Vom is an incredible natural remedy for all the ills of life in the fast lane – this just about describes most of us in the Gauteng area! When I ask my patients what score they would give their stress level – those from Gauteng mostly respond immediately...

  • 6 years

    “You are an excellent Homeopath…”

    I know you say that Homeopathy must take the credit for cure BUT it takes a good Homeopath to know what remedy and potency to give for the right results. And you are an excellent Homeopath.     E, Johannesburg

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Updated: January 01, 1970
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Created: November 21, 2013

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