Welcome to Geauga Park District | Geauga Park District

Geauga Park District. Our mission is to preserve, conserve and protect the natural features of Geauga County and to provide outdoor recreational...

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Geaugaparkdistrict.org news digest

  • 6 years

    Upcoming Building Closures

    As you plan your late fall and early winter park visits, please note that The West Woods Nature Center and Big Creek Park’s Donald W. Meyer Center will be closed for the holidays the following dates:
    Thursday, November 22 (Thanksgiving)
    Friday, November 23 (day after Thanksgiving)...

  • 6 years

    Winter Weather in the Parks: Snowshoeing, Cleared Snow & More!

    We know it can be hard to get out during a Northeast Ohio winter, but we’ve got you covered when it comes to motivation! There’s no shortage of great activities to enjoy in your Geauga Park District. A few ideas:
    Cleared Trails for Walking
    Park operations crews regularly clear snow from paved trails in six parks:...

  • 6 years

    Help Name Our Spotted Turtle

    In an effort to bolster the population of this State Threatened Species, Geauga Park District has partnered with the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo to extract and incubate eggs from wild female Spotted Turtles (Clemmys gutatta) captured in the park. These...

  • 6 years

    Hunting-Related Park Closures

    Please note that Observatory Park will be closed the following dates for controlled hunting. To learn more about our controlled hunting program any time, please select Activities, then Hunting & Trapping from the dropdowns above.
    Youth Gun: Nov. 17-18, 2018...

Domain history

Web host: Liquid Web, L.L.C
Registrar: Public Interest Registry
Updated: June 02, 2022
Expires: March 15, 2023
Created: March 15, 2001

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