FIWARE - Open APIs for Open Minds

Forge FIWARE. A curated framework of Open Source Platform components to accelerate the development of Smart Solutions..

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    Alexa rank news digest

  • 4 years

    FIWARE & SAP White Paper is Out!

    Marking the collaboration between FIWARE and SAP, the joint white paper “Smart City Ecosystem: Laying the foundations – using decision-making sovereignty” answers the question: How can we provide technical access to an open platform to support citizen...

  • 4 years

    Wisdom Across the Board: Pierre Golz

    A couple of weeks ago, we sat down with Antonio Jara, a BoD member since May 2019 and the CEO of HOPU, a company focused on the research and development of IoT (Internet of Things) and Smart Cities solutions. This time, we had the pleasure to talk to...

  • 4 years

    Innovation for Sustainable Tourism: Join the Hackatour FIDI 2020

    The virtual International Fair of Smart Destinations (FIDI), organized by FIWARE iHub Instituto Ciudades del Futuro, the Buenos Aires Regional Faculty National Technological University, and the Big Jonan company, together with the collaboration of INVATTUR...

  • 4 years

    ROS World Goes Digital in 2020 with FIWARE and micro-ROS

    FIWARE Foundation is excited to be heading to ROS World on 12 November 2020. The event, like many (if not all) events in 2020 is going digital, offering the entire ROS Community a free event that will be live-streamed across the world.
    With FIWARE Gold Member eProsima as a Platinum Member of the event, we are pleased to be joining forces with eProsima to present topics, such as the micro-ROS project, FIWARE for Robotics, and the ALMA project. micro-ROS is a robotic framework targeting...

Domain history

Web host: Entidad Publica Empresarial
Registrar: Public Interest Registry
Registrant: REDACTED (FIWARE Foundation, e.V.)
Updated: October 16, 2019
Expires: March 26, 2023
Created: March 25, 2014

Whois record

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