EPJ Photovoltaics

EPJ Pv. EPJ Photovoltaics, an Open Access journal in Photovoltaics, which publishes original, peer-reviewed papers focused in the field of...

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Epjpv.epj.org news digest

  • 3 years

    EPJ A Highlight - Celebrating the impacts of Jacques Raynal’s work in the develo...

    This topical article edition of EPJ A is dedicated to the memory of French nuclear physicist Jacques Raynal, who passed away on April 10th, 2020.
    It illustrates, through a series of peer-reviewed articles, the various facets of what Raynal and his colleagues accomplished, as well as the profound influence of his results in several domains of nuclear reactions, both for theory formalism and for...

  • 3 years

    EPJ C Highlight - The first black hole image: A gravitomagnetic monopole as an a...

    The Event Horizon Telescope made science history when it captured the first image of the supermassive black hole in the galaxy M87. New research suggests alternative explanations for the massive compact object at the centre of this galaxy questioning...

  • 3 years

    EPJ Web of Conferences welcomes Paulo Limão-Vieira in its Editorial Board

    EPJ Web of Conferences is glad to announce that Paulo Limão-Vieira has joined the Web of Conferences editorial board with particular responsibility for EPJ Web of Conferences.
    Paulo Limão-Vieira is a Professor of Molecular Physics at NOVA School of Science, and full researcher at Centre of Physics and Technological Research, CEFITEC, also in Lisbon. At CEFITEC he founded in 2004 the Atomic and Molecular Collisions Laboratory...

  • 3 years

    EPJ ST: Shahriar Afkhami new Editor on board

    The publishers of The European Physical Journal Special Topics are pleased to announce the appointment of Professor Shahriar Afkhami as new Editor in the board.
    Shahriar Afkhami, is Professor in the Department of Mathematical Sciences at New Jersey Institute of Technology and his research interests lie at the interface of applied mathematics, chemical engineering, and mechanical engineering. He is particularly...

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Updated: January 12, 2020
Expires: January 11, 2022
Created: January 11, 2004

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