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Best pages on Engage.barnet.gov.uk
Find Consultations - London Borough of Barnet - Citizen Space
This site contains consultations that are run by the London Borough of Barnet.
London Borough of Barnet Consultation Hub - Citizen Space
Below are some of the issues we have recently consulted on and their outcomes. We Asked: We asked your views on a proposal to amend the special guardianship allowance rates and align Barnet’s offering...
Residents’ Perception Survey Spring 2016 - London Borough of Barnet - Citizen Space
Overview In spring 2016 the council conducted a Residents’ Perception Survey with 500 residents from across the borough. The survey asked residents for their views on local services and various aspec...
Domain history
Web host: | Amazon Data Services UK |
Registrar: | Nominet UK |
Registrant: | UK Cabinet Office |
Updated: | January 01, 1970 |
Expires: | January 01, 1970 |
Created: | August 01, 1996 |
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ExcellentChild safety