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Dvsegmbh. EX PER TISE.The leading software experts in theautomotive market.Read MoreSO LUTIONS.Continuous development for our customers and...

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Dvsegmbh.de news digest

  • 3 years

    Even more product groups now.

    Even More product groups.
    For truck and fleet workshops.
    Our TOPMOTIVE truck catalog portfolio already offers a number of innovative features for fleet workshops: not long ago, for example, we launched the standardized IAM version of a TM search path for all BIG 7 truck manufacturers. From DAF, Iveco and MAN...

  • 3 years

    We are awarded.

    we are awarded
    For several times.
    Whenever we get the news that we have received another external award, it is always a reason for joy. Because we know that we are doing many things right and that we not only live the TOPMOTIVE spirit internally, but also carry it to the outside world...

  • 4 years

    Cartelligence – Connected Car – Connected People

    Connected car – connected people.
    Digital transformation is THE leading topic of our time. It opens up unprecedented opportunities in the automotive industry and the IAM. Communication between car drivers, cars and workshops is undergoing a revolution right now....

  • 4 years

    A quarter of a century of catalog history.

    A quarter of a century of catalog history
    And an unforgettable anniversary.
    It all began quite straightforwardly: in 1994 with just 3 employees, we entered the world of catalog and information systems for the Automotive Independent Aftermarket – with the right services, of course....

Domain history

Web host: PlusServer GmbH
Registrar: DENIC eG
Updated: March 27, 2020
Expires: January 01, 1970
Created: January 01, 1970

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