
Read Daera-ni.gov.uk news digest here: view the latest Daera Ni articles and content updates right away or get to their most visited pages. Daera-ni.gov.uk belongs to a group of fairly successful adult (18+) websites, with more than 45K visitors from all over the world monthly. It seems that Daera Ni content is notably popular in United Kingdom, as 69.7% of all users (31K visits per month) come from this country. Daera-ni.gov.uk is hosted with Fastly, Inc. (United States) and its basic language is English.

  • Content verdict: Adult
  • Website availability: Live
  • English language flagLanguage: English
  • Last check:
  • 1 498

    Visitors daily
  • 1 498

    Pageviews daily
  • N/A

    Google PR
  • 53 158

    Alexa rank

Domain history

Web host: Fastly, Inc.
Registrar: Nominet UK
Registrant: UK Cabinet Office
Updated: January 01, 1970
Expires: January 01, 1970
Created: August 01, 1996

Whois record

Visitor gender



Safety scores



Child safety