College2Career | Career Coaching Services

College2 Career. College2Career offers career counseling and coaching across the entire Tampa Bay region. Call 813-494-7592 today to schedule an...

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  • 11 years

    4 Benefits of Taking a Gap Year for Students

    Does your high school student need more life experiences before college? Learn how a gap year may be able to help.
    A gap year is a year of self discovery, usually taken between high school and college, that is designed to give a student a chance to pursue a series of life experiences.  It can take place over several months or a year and usually involves a combination...

  • 11 years

    Strategic Volunteerism for High School and College Students

    Four Good Reasons You Should Start Volunteering
    1. Volunteering can help you explore a college major.
    Sometimes a volunteer experience can lead you to something you never thought. When volunteering for career exploration select assignments that place you in the type of setting you want to learn about and let you work side by side with a professional...

  • 11 years

    Why Getting An Internship Is So Important

    Why Getting An Internship Is So Important
    In a highly competitive job market, you will need to make yourself stand out among others.  Since employers prefer to hire graduating seniors who have career-related work experience, internships can be crucial to your job search.  The experience you...

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Web host: Unified Layer
Registrant: Molly Smith
Updated: October 07, 2023
Expires: October 17, 2024
Created: October 18, 2011

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