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  • 2 months

    Happy Samhain!

    Samhain is known as the witches new year but I do not consider myself a witch! So it’s not new year. Or maybe it is. Maybe it is the end of this circle and a new one starts at the winter solstice. I actually confuses me a little bit. Leave a comment...

  • 3 months

    Daily Honest Desk

    I am not completely sure what prompted me to do this, but for the past 40 days or so, I have been taking a picture of this corner of the desk in my studio. It’s a record of what I’m working on, I guess. And a record that I am actually working on something...

  • 3 months

    Happy Autumn Equinox

    Belated happy autumn equinox. My yearlong Wheel of The Year project is progressing slowly but steadily. The hand stitching is taking longer than planned but progress is still being made.
    I hope you are well. If anyone is still reading this? The blog has been kinda quiet for various reasons. At first because I spent the spring putting images back in old posts and that was so tedious I didn’t feel like posting anything new....

  • 6 months

    Summer Slow Stitching Project

    Over on YouTube I have started a slow stitching project for the summer. I would love if you would join me! It is a small project, where we add a bit every week for eight weeks, inspired by eight prompt words. I have a list of prompt words and I share...

Domain history

Web host: Google LLC
Registrar: DK Hostmaster A/S
Registrant: Carina Envoldsen
Updated: January 21, 2025
Expires: November 30, 2019
Created: November 04, 2003

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