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Aturon.github.io news digest

  • 4 years

    To heal, first feel your wounds

    Grief has been in my life for two years. It took me by surprise, and it changed everything.
    There are some Big Words that we reserve for Big Circumstances. “Grief”, we see as a sacred process surrounding a Big Loss. “Trauma”, we see as a wound from a Big Event, like a war or imminent physical threat. In therapy, I’m learning about the urge...

  • 5 years

    Back in the saddle

    Hi y’all! After some time away on mental health leave (which you can read moreabout here if you’re curious), I’m fully back to work at the Mozilla Rustteam. I won’t be returning to Lang Team or Async work, but will instead beworking full-time on compiler...

  • 5 years

    Survivor skills

    I usually start with some pivotal moment and work outward from there. Leaving my religion. Getting on antidepressants. Starting therapy. My partner coming out as trans. Starting therapy again. It doesn’t really matter; the story of my mental illness...

  • 6 years

    Version selection in Cargo

    When there are multiple ways to resolve dependencies, Cargo generally choosesthe newest possible version. The goal of this post is to explain why Cargoworks this way, and how that rationale relates to several recent discussions,including:
    Whether we should support a “minimal version selection” option,and if so how it should relate to CI and the existing ecosystem....

Domain history

Web host: GitHub, INC.
Registrant: REDACTED FOR PRIVACY (GitHub, Inc.)
Updated: February 09, 2025
Expires: March 08, 2027
Created: March 08, 2013

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