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  • 8 years

    People get typing systems completely wrong

    Hello everybody,
    Been a long time since I posted something. There's something that absolutely ticks me off. It's that people just type people completely wrong. They use completely the wrong methods, wrong methodology, wrong thinking.
    For instance, there seems to be this raging debate about John Lennon being INFp or ENFp. Oh my gawd. Is this real? John Lennon was neither INFp or ENFp. Why do people think those types? Because they look at his songs and go: "Wow, that's so hippie. Only...

  • 10 years

    Psychoanalyzing a person's dominant function

    Determining a person's type is hard, so let's start with what should be the easiest question: how do you figure out what a person's dominant function is? The question is much harder to analyze than at first glance. First, you need to understand what...

  • 10 years

    Why ENTps should, theoretically, learn the fastest

    Another question that has puzzled me was: why exactly are ENTps supposed to be the best in understanding any new school of thought or scientific concept? Was it their insatiable curiosity? Was it that ENTps are thinking all the time?
    The answer to the question is mainly a follow-up on my previous post, The Most Efficient Learning Algorithm. The takeaway from that post is that in general, people learn by reasoning general principles from specific examples. Once you have that result...

  • 10 years

    Efficient Algorithm (for humans) to Learn Math, Algorithms

    How do you learn how a math equation, proof, or algorithm works? What's the fastest way? These questions have persisted in my mind as I go through school. The final answer that I arrived at was simply: work out an example of the algorithm in your head...

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Web host: Google LLC
Registrar: MarkMonitor Inc.
Registrant: Google LLC
Updated: June 29, 2023
Expires: July 31, 2024
Created: July 31, 2000

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