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Ourladysbower.scoilnet.ie news digest

  • 8 years

    Prize Giving & Awards 2016

    Bank of Ireland Student of the Year: Jane Wallace
    School Spirit Award: Emma Haran & Eimer Foxe
    Transition Year Student of the Year: Tierna Maguire

  • 8 years

    Bugler Shield Final

    There was a great buzz in the school on Friday,20 May as the final of the Bugler Shield senior debating competition and the First Year Public Speaking took place simultaneously.
    Senior students assembled in the central area to listen to a very serious debate for the Bugler Shield. The competition, hosted annually by the Alpha de Beta Society, is a very popular event on the Bower calendar since the shield was located in a press...

  • 8 years

    CTYI Summer Programme

    First year Ashling McCarthy has been chosen for the CTYI summer programme in DCU joining second year Chloe Gavin. The talent search, based on PSat tests for American colleges found that the girls had scored above the 95 percentile in Maths. During the...

  • 8 years

    Et Si On Joue Aux Boules?

    Thanks to the wily purchase of four sets of boules by Ms Quilty the second years were able to enjoy a quick tournament during French class.
    Young Spaniard Barbara Olivar proved to be the most skilled but Kate Duffy, Victoria Gorovenco and Tara Duke were pretty handy too. FĂ©licitations Barbara!...

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Web host: HEAnet CLG
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Updated: November 15, 2020
Expires: September 02, 2021
Created: September 02, 1998

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