NOVASTARTALK - Technology-Enhanced Language Instruction

NOVASTARTALK Nvcc. Technology-Enhanced Language Instruction.

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    Alexa rank news digest

  • 8 years

    Webinar: Using Brain-Compatible Technology Tools for Effective Classroom Managem...

    We invite teachers of any of the STARTALK Languages to join us on Thursday, October 6 from 6:00-8:00pm Eastern Time for a special webinar: Using Brain-Compatible Technology Tools for Effective Classroom Management and Project-Based Learning Dr. Marjorie...

  • 8 years

    Puppet Apps

    Role-playing apps such as Sock Puppets and Puppet Pals HD allow students to engage in interpersonal communicative tasks which can then be recorded as individual videos to be shared with the class and presented for feedback. Weekend plan (Created by Dali...

  • 8 years

    Register for the 2016 Summer Technology Institute

    NOVASTARTALK is a summer institute located right outside Washington D.C. Our workshops are designed to help teachers refine their use of technology and 21st century language pedagogy in the official STARTALK languages. In the face-to-face program, teachers...

  • 9 years

    Webinar: Enhancing Your World Language Classroom Using Brain-Friendly Tech Apps​

    We invite teachers of any of the STARTALK Languages to join us on Thursday, October 8 from 6:00-8:00pm Eastern Time for a special webinar: Enhancing Your World Language Classroom Using Brain-Friendly Tech Apps​ Dr. Marjorie Hall-Haley This interactive...

Domain history

Web host: Virginia Community College System
Registrar: EDUCASE
Registrant: Northern Virginia Community College
Updated: December 27, 2023
Expires: January 01, 1970
Created: February 04, 2002

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