Is it just me, or.........

Increasinglymiffed Blogspot. Now more than somewhat frustrated by the "coalition" - they have so much of an opportunity to make decisions and change...

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  • 12 years

    Jobs, growth, doom!

    This is a reply I made to John Redwood's Diary today. 12 or more hours later, it's not been passed by a moderator, though lots of others have. Given the crap spouted after the EU summit today, I think it's a debate we should be having.
    I’m slowly becoming convinced that full or low unemployment is almost impossible to achieve in the post-automation age. There are very few labour-intensive industries any more, and those that do exist have moved to developing countries where labour costs...

  • 12 years

    Economic growth - wishful thinking?

    I've spoken before about being concerned that some of my thoughts are naive or ill-informed (ie "is it just me, or.....") but I'm a bit confused about all the talk of growth - and the reliance on it.
    As I understand it, a country's economic growth can primarily only come from two sources - greater consumption by it's citizens and businesses (which surely can only come in any significant sustainable measure by an increase in population) or from exports...

  • 12 years

    Waking from my slumber!

    It's about a year and a half since I last blogged. I stopped because the things that really wound me up (Labour in power) had changed, and I was hopeful for change.
    I'm beginning to feel as pissed off as I did when I blogged before. Not necessarily about things like the "cuts" the coalition are making, because I genuinely believe it is needed. In fact the cuts are not enough, and real dead wood in the public sector...

  • 13 years

    Brown spotting

    I know I've been quiet lately - just had many other things to do, and I'm much less exercised politically right now.
    I was lovvely to hear that nice Liam Byrne on the radio yesterday, smarming his oily scaremongering criticisms of the new government's cuts agenda....

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Updated: June 29, 2023
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Created: July 31, 2000

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