School of Engineering

Engineering Ucmerced. How researchers at UC Merced are developing a better understanding of the three sources of water upon which California depends in...

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  • 5 years

    Management of Complex Systems

    The Management of Complex Systems (MCS) Ph.D. program is designed to educate a new generation of management scholars with depth in analytical methods and a focus on complexity as the driving force behind issues in management of human-technology systems...

  • 5 years

    Management of Innovation, Sustainability & Technology

    A common interest among the faculty members is how arrangements of people, organizations, information, technology and the natural world give rise to complex adaptive phenomena that pose difficult — often grand — challenges to society. As such, our program...

  • 5 years

    Mechanical Engineering

    Mechanical Engineering at UC Merced is dedicated to the education of a new generation of mechanicists and researchers in areas related to mechanical engineering who aim to master the fundamentals of the mechanical sciences — which include disciplines...

  • 5 years

    Materials & Biomaterials Sciences & Engineering

    The Materials and Biomaterials Science and Engineering (MBSE) graduate group offers a multidisciplinary research and training program for doctoral (prioritized) and master-level students at the forefront of the modern revolutions in materials science...

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Web host: Contegix
Registrar: EDUCASE
Registrant: University of California, Merced
Updated: July 10, 2024
Expires: January 01, 1970
Created: September 19, 1995

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