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Dev Torah. Question: I’ve learned that only Joseph and Noah are called Tzaddikim – the term for “righteous.”, in the entire Torah....

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Dev.torah.org news digest

  • 6 years

    Chapter 6, Law 6 – High-Stakes Actions

    “When a person sins to another, the other should not hate him quietly (lit., ‘and be silent’) as it is stated regarding the wicked: ‘And Absalom did not speak with Amnon either bad or good for Absalom hated Amnon’ (II Samuel 13:22). Rather, he is obligated...

  • 6 years

    Alone With Friends

    Jacob and his family were traveling to meet Esau and return to the Land of Israel. Jacob had his family and flocks cross the Yabok river before him, leaving Jacob himself alone on the other side. At that moment, a man — whom the Midrash says was Esau...

  • 6 years

    Jewish Observer

    Dedicated in Honor of the First Yahrtzeit of Chana Hinda bas R’ Aharon MordechaiDedicated by Aviva & Zev Golombeck and family. In memory of Leslie Zukor of blessed memory Yitzchak Chaim Ben Yosef z”l After decades of separation, Yaakov is about to...

  • 6 years

    Standing Strong in the Face of Esau

    Our father, Jacob, escapes from the mouth of the lion only to run into the arms of the bear. He leaves, in fact he flees, from the house of Lavan but is immediately confronted first with the angel of his brother Esau and later by Esau himself and an...

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